Helping Others thru Peer Education

Saskatchewan’s First Recovery College!

Attend Virtually or In-Person. Everyone is Welcome.

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These In-Person events take place at the Hope Learning Centre in Regina, SK.
(unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health Education
for Personal Empowerment

Imagine a place where individuals with firsthand experience in mental health challenges, alongside peers, family members, and mental health professionals, gather as equals for practical, supportive conversations about mental health. At the Hope Learning Centre, that’s exactly what we offer. Our courses are co-created and co-delivered with the aim of promoting well-being, resilience, and recovery.

Enrolling in our free online and in-person courses guarantees an environment that fosters self-discovery. It’s a space where you can acquire knowledge and develop new skills to better navigate life. Here, you’re not merely a passive learner; you actively participate in meaningful discussions about mental health. Our trained facilitators create a safe and respectful atmosphere, ensuring all students can thrive.

We aim to empower our students by giving them practical information, tools and coping strategies they can apply to their lives. Mental Health is a complex topic, we want to make it easier for people to learn and grow their knowledge of the subject.

Daniel Blondeau — Program Director

The Hope Learning Centre Course Calendar

The HLC Calendar

The Hope Learning Centre uses Google Calendar to help organize and send reminders for our classes.

Powered by ZOOM

Our online courses are offered through Zoom. Download the Zoom App below before your class!

The Hope Learning Centre Since Opening in 2020…
Courses & Workshops
Free Courses Delivered
Certificate Workshops Run
Students Have Joined Us

Courses & Workshops

At the Hope Learning Centre, we offer three learning options. HLC Courses and SDL content are free, while our Certificate Workshops require a registration fee.

These courses are facilitator lead and vary in course length. Register Virtually or In-Person and attend these courses on specific dates & times.

The Hope Learning Centre has certified trainers in a number of in-demand mental health workshops. We offer public and private sessions for a fee.

Explore our 101 course collection for practical introductions to various mental health subjects. Students always have access to these classes.

Support the Hope Learning Centre

We are a program of the Canadian Mental Health Association of Saskatchewan, a registered charity with the CRA.

Become a Sponsor for one of the many aspects of the Hope Learning Centre.

We offer private, on-location bookings for Mental Health First Aid and ASIST. Book up to 30 people for training.

We offer limited run merchandise in our HLC Store. Register as a student to access our Online Shop.

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